

What We Do


To Improve pronunciation each and every word.

Accent Training

To improve the dialogue delivery in various languages.

Scene study

Diffrent type of Scenes to improve their characterization which helps them to play their character with body, mind & soul.


Solo Performance to improve their acting skill with Self confidence & Ability.


It’s a Best Exercise For an actor to Improves various challenging things in very short period without getting any dialogues or time for preparation.

Outdoor Activity

We take them out to orphanage, old age home and some social activity centers to improve their practical knowledge with humanity.

Nine Moods

We give them complete training of nine moods which improves their face expressions body language, action, reaction and various emotion, etc..

Camera Facing

We give them regular practice to face the camera which improves their confidence with technical knowledge of light & camera. It also helps theme to become camera friendly and fearless.